As Amended and Approved by the State Committee on January 28, 2023

Definitions: The Party: Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc. (AZLP) as defined by its Constitution which is also its Articles of Incorporation; State Committee: As defined by Title 16, Chapter 5, Article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, the statutorily constituted State Committee of the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc.
  1. Statutory Officers: The statutory officers of the Party and State Committee are defined and shall be elected in accordance with Title 16, Chapter 5, Article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes; to wit, the statutory officers of the Party and State Committee shall be: 1) the State Chairman, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Party and State Committee, 2) the State Secretary of the Party and State Committee, and 3) the State Treasurer, who is the Chief Financial Officer of the Party and State Committee. The State Committee shall elect from its membership the statutory officers at the biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee. All statutory officers shall be elected for a two-year term, shall take office immediately upon the conclusion of the meeting in which they are elected, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or qualified.
  2. Non-statutory Officers: These Bylaws hereby create four non-statutory officers of the Party and State Committee. The four non-statutory officers of the Party and State Committee shall be: 1) the State First Vice-Chairman of the Party and State Committee, 2) the State Second Vice-Chairman of the Party and State Committee, 3) the State Assistant Secretary of the Party and State Committee, and 4) the State Assistant Treasurer of the Party and State Committee. The State Committee shall elect from the class B members the non-statutory officers at the biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee. All non-statutory officers shall be elected for a two-year term, shall take office immediately upon the conclusion of the meeting in which they are elected, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or qualified.
  3. Board of Directors and Terms of Office: The statutory and non-statutory officers of the Party and State Committee shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee. Thus, there shall be seven members of the Board of Directors and this membership shall not be changed or increased except by an amendment, approved by the State Committee, to these Bylaws. Furthermore, no individual may hold more than one office on the Board of Directors, and no member of the Board of Directors shall have more than one vote. Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve a two-year term, and the two-year terms of office of members of the Board shall run concurrently with their two-year terms of office as statutory and non-statutory officers.Furthermore, at the time of their election by the State Committee, succession by means of Bylaw 10, or appointment by the remainder of the Board to office, the statutory and non-statutory officers that thus constitute the Board of Directors shall be residents of the State of Arizona and shall be state committeemen of the Party and State Committee. However, upon assuming their offices, all statutory and non-statutory officers shall be ex-officio state committeemen while serving, in good standing, as officers and members of the Board of Directors and until the terms of office of ex-officio state committeemen end, as defined below.All Arizona Revised Statutes (in particular, A.R.S. 38-291) regarding elections, appointments, residency requirements, and vacancies in office shall be interpreted with the widest possible latitude to allow the statutory and non-statutory officers to serve out their terms of office as officers and members of the Board and as state committeemen, where:
    1. the term of office of a person as an officer and as a member of the Board, elected by the State Committee, shall end at the next biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee.
    2. the term of office of a person as an officer and as a member of the Board, succeeding by means of Bylaw 10 or appointed by the remainder of the Board, shall begin immediately upon succession or appointment and shall end at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.
    3. the term of office of a person as a state committeeman, appointed by the State Chairman of the Party and State Committee, shall begin immediately upon appointment;
    4. the two-year terms of office of persons as state committeemen, elected at the biennial statutory organizing meetings of the county committees that are the recognized county affiliates of the Party and State Committee, shall begin upon the adjournments of these meetings.
    5. also, the terms of office of persons elected or appointed as state committeemen shall end upon the adjournments of the next biennial statutory organizing meetings of the above recognized county affiliates.
    6. the term of office as ex-officio state committeeman, of a county chairman of an above recognized county affiliate, shall begin when that person assumes the office of county chairman.
    7. the term of office of a person serving ex-officio as a state committeeman shall end when that person is neither a statutory or non-statutory officer of the Party and State Committee nor the county chairman of an above recognized county affiliate, and.
    8. all persons serving as statutory or non-statutory officers and thus as members of the Board of Directors and all persons serving as state committeemen shall hold office until their successors are elected, appointed, or qualified.
  4. Duties of the Board of Directors: The duties of the Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:
    1. ensuring that the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc. has continuing countywide and continuing statewide ballot status,
    2. recruiting Libertarians wishing to seek elective office,
    3. registering voters as members of the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc.,
    4. educating the electorate on the virtues of Libertarian principles, and
    5. bringing laws into closer agreement with Libertarian principles through the initiative and referendum process, through the legal challenge of unjust laws, and through the persuasion of sitting lawmakers.
    6. other specific responsibilities per the office as enumerated in Section 6 below.
      1. Candidate UnderstandingsIt shall be a duty of each member of the Board of Directors, in its process of recruiting Libertarians to run for office, and/or interviewing and certifying Libertarians presenting themselves as candidates for office, to be certain that each candidate has been contacted by the Secretary of the state or local county party ,or member of the Board of Directors, and has received copies of the national, state, and if pertinent, local Party platform, constitution and bylaws; and a policy sheet further elucidating the party’s stances concerning receipt of public (“Clean Elections”) funds, cross-party endorsements, and policies plainly contrary to national, state, or local Party platforms.Candidates shall be presented with copies of these materials in hard copy in person or via postal mail, or if requested, via electronic mail. The Secretary shall provide the candidate with a checklist and signature form to indicate that s/he has received each of the items described.
      2. Personal Political EndorsementsPersonal Political Endorsements: In connection with any political activity, the Arizona Libertarian Party desires to discourage conflicting use of endorsements that in any way implies, states or misrepresents an affiliation or relationship with, or endorsement by, the AZLP/State Committee. An individual who endorses a candidate or political issue in conflict with the support of the Arizona Libertarian Party, shall not reference ‘Libertarian’ in a way that associates the endorsement with the Libertarian Party. This includes Libertarian candidates who use the title of an office sought as part of a personal endorsement.The Arizona Libertarian Party’s recourse may include withholding of financial aid, invitations to events, voter data, inclusion in mailings, official endorsement and censure. Any member of the State Committee may bring violations of this Bylaw before the officers for a censure vote. A censure vote will be a majority of those present and voting. If the officers fail to vote upon the matter within 10 days, a petition signed by 25% of the State Committee will require the Chair to convene the entire State Committee for a censure vote within two weeks of receipt.
  5. General Powers of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee shall manage all affairs of the State Committee, and the Board of Directors shall have the power to make contracts and set general policy on behalf of the State Committee. The Board of Directors shall have final authority over all State Committee finances. The Board of Directors, however, may establish funds available to the State Chairman of the Party and State Committee and the State Treasurer of the Party and State Committee, for discretionary expenses.The Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee shall fulfill all legal requirements of the State of Arizona, in particular, all requirements currently set out in Title 16, Chapters 1 through 8 of the Arizona Revised Statutes governing political parties, elections, and campaign finance; all requirements currently set out in Title 19, Chapters 1 through 2 of the Arizona Revised Statutes governing initiative, referendum, and recall; and all requirements currently set out in Title 10, Chapters 24 through 40 of the Arizona Revised Statutes governing nonprofit corporations.Should the Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee choose to make the State Committee a Federal political committee, the Board of Directors shall then fulfill all legal requirements of the Federal election laws and Federal campaign finance laws of the United States of America. The Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee shall have the sole power to appoint and to dismiss the statutory agent for the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc.
  6. Specific Powers of the Statutory and Non-statutory Officers:
    1. Chairman: The State Chairman or acting State Chairman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Party and State Committee. The Chairman or acting Chairman presides over the meetings of the Board of Directors, and the Chairman or acting Chairman presides over the meetings of the entire State Committee. With the exception of the statutory agent and in addition to the powers delegated in Bylaw 21 below, the Chairman or acting Chairman shall have the power to form or abolish all other committees, create or abolish other positions, including paid positions, and make all appointments to these committees and positions as needed to carry on the business of the Party and State Committee. The Chairman or acting Chairman is responsible for overseeing the performance of his appointees, and all appointed committee members and other appointees such as employees, consultants, and vendors shall serve at the discretion of the Chairman or acting Chairman. Furthermore, the Chairman or acting Chairman, at his discretion, may delegate some of his authority.
    2. First Vice-Chairman: In the absence of the State Chairman or acting State Chairman, the State First Vice-Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors and the meetings of the entire State Committee. The First Vice-Chairman shall be responsible to identify, recruit, mentor, and train Libertarian candidates for current and upcoming election races and shall create, deliver, and implement training and campaign development resources for those individuals.
    3. Second Vice-Chairman: In the simultaneous absence of the State Chairman or acting State Chairman and the State First Vice-Chairman, the State Second Vice-Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors and the meetings of the entire State Committee. The Second Vice-Chairman shall be responsible to monitor proceedings in the Arizona legislature, Arizona county Boards of Supervisors, and Arizona cities and towns, for issues of interest to the party, and shall be responsible to draft and formulate responses to the same. The Second Vice-Chairman shall be responsible to train, mentor, and guide AZLP citizen lobbyists in formulating appropriate deliberative body responses, including testimony, white papers, proposed legislation, and referenda.
    4. Secretary: The State Secretary of the Party and State Committee shall correspond with other organizations and individuals as needed. The Secretary shall keep all non-financial written records of the Party and State Committee and shall record, keep, and maintain all minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and of meetings of the entire State Committee.
    5. Assistant Secretary: The State Assistant Secretary of the Party and State Committee shall aid and assist the State Secretary of the Party and State Committee in the Secretary’s duties to correspond with other organizations and individuals. At the Secretary’s discretion, the Assistant Secretary shall keep copies of non-financial written records of the Party and State Committee, and the Assistant Secretary shall also keep copies of all minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and of meetings of the entire State Committee. In the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of Secretary at meetings of the Board of Directors and at meetings of the entire State Committee.
    6. Treasurer: The State Treasurer of the Party and State Committee is the Chief Financial Officer of the Party and State Committee. The Treasurer shall receive all funds and maintain complete and current financial records for the Party and State Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain all appropriate legal financial documentation for the Party and State Committee and shall file all appropriate State of Arizona and Federal documents. As pursuant to Title 16 (16-904) of the Arizona Revised Statutes, no expenditure may be made on behalf of the State Committee without the authorization of the Treasurer or his designated agent. Should the Board of Directors choose to make the State Committee a Federal political committee, the name and address of the Treasurer shall appear on the Federal Statement of Organization form.
    7. Assistant Treasurer: The State Assistant Treasurer of the Party and State Committee shall aid and assist the State Treasurer of the Party and State Committee in his duties as Chief Financial Officer of the Party and State Committee. At the discretion of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall maintain copies of financial records of the Party and State Committee. Pursuant to Title 16 (16-904) of the Arizona Revised Statutes, the Assistant Treasurer is the designated agent of the Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer may receive finds, make expenditures, and file all appropriate State of Arizona and Federal documents on behalf of the Party and State Committee. Should the Board of Directors choose to make the State Committee a Federal political committee, the name and address of the Assistant Treasurer shall appear on the Federal Statement of Organization form.
  7. Veto and Modifying Power of the Board of Directors: By a two-thirds vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may veto or modify any decision that any statutory or non-statutory officer, appointee, committee, employee, consultant, or vendor has made on behalf of the Party or the State Committee.
  8. Removal of Appointees: By a two-thirds vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may remove from his or her position any appointee, including the statutory agent, and also including any appointed member of a committee, employee, consultant, or vendor. With the exception of the statutory agent who is only appointed or dismissed by the Board of Directors, all appointees shall remain subject to dismissal at any time and for any reason by their respective committee chairperson, if one exists, or by the State Chairman or acting State Chairman of the Party and State Committee.
  9. Acting Chairman: If the State Chairman of the Party and State Committee is temporarily absent, the State First Vice-Chairman (followed, if necessary, by the State Second Vice-Chairman, State Secretary, State Assistant Secretary, State Treasurer, and State Assistant Treasurer in that order) shall assume, as acting State Chairman, the powers and duties of State Chairman of the Party and State Committee. While exercising the powers and duties of acting State Chairman, an officer shall not exercise the powers and duties of the office that he or she originally held. Upon return from any temporary absence, the State Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall automatically re-assume the powers and duties of State Chairman.
  10. Succession to the Statutory Officers: If the position of State Chairman is not filled or becomes permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the State First Vice-Chairman shall resign his or her position as State First Vice-Chairman and shall assume the position of State Chairman of the Party and State Committee and shall serve in that position until a new State Chairman can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee. If the positions of State Chairman and State First Vice- Chairman are simultaneously not filled or become simultaneously permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the State Second Vice-Chairman shall resign his or her position as State Second Vice-Chairman and shall assume the position of State Chairman of the Party and State Committee and shall serve in that position until a new State Chairman can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.If the position of State Secretary is not filled or becomes permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the State Assistant Secretary shall resign his or her position as State Assistant Secretary and shall assume the position of State Secretary of the Party and State Committee and shall serve in that position until a new State Secretary can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.If the position of State Treasurer is not filled or becomes permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the State Assistant Treasurer shall resign his or her position as State Assistant Treasurer and shall assume the position of State Treasurer of the Party and State Committee and shall serve in that position until a new State Treasurer can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.
  11. Vacancies on the Board of Directors: In the event that any position of a statutory officer is not filled or becomes permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, Bylaw 10 above shall first be implemented. Afterwards, the remaining Board of Directors shall appoint, by majority vote, members of the State Committee in good standing to the remaining vacated offices on the Board of Directors, and those members shall serve in those offices until their successors can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.In the event that any position of a non-statutory officer is not filled or becomes permanently vacant by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the remaining Board of Directors shall appoint, by majority vote, class A members in good standing to the vacated offices on the Board of Directors, and those members shall serve in those offices until their successors can be elected at the next annual meeting of the State Committee.If by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the Party and State Committee have no directors at all in office, any member of the State Committee may call a special, or if the time restrictions under Bylaw 20 allows, annual meeting of the State Committee for the purpose of electing all the officers on the Board of Directors. Under the provisions of Bylaws 10 and 11, if a new replacement statutory or non-statutory officer is elected at an annual or special meeting of the State Committee, that officer shall take office immediately upon election, shall hold office until the next biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee, and shall hold office until his or her successor is elected or qualified.
  12. Voting Method: When the State Committee votes to elect statutory and non-statutory officers, this vote shall be by secret ballot unless, by unanimous consent, the State Committee agrees to some other voting method. When the State Committee votes to elect the elected members of the Executive Committee, this vote shall also be by secret ballot unless, by unanimous consent, the State Committee agrees to some other voting method.
  13. Voting Absentee: In any matter upon which the Board of Directors is entitled to vote, anyone eligible to vote may vote absentee prior to or at the meeting at which voting is to occur. An absentee vote may be written or made by telephone or other suitable communication device, subject to such authentication procedures as are deemed necessary by the State Secretary to verify the identity of the person voting, such votes to be submitted within not more than seventy-two hours, or until all votes are earlier received. The Board of Directors may also conduct electronic balloting for time sensitive matters requiring action before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
  14. Proxy Voting: Proxy voting is not allowed by members of the State Committee when voting to amend the Constitution, when voting to amend the Bylaws, when voting by written consent under Arizona Revised Statute 10-3704, or when voting by written ballot under Arizona Revised Statute 10-3708. For votes on all other matters, proxy voting is allowed at meetings of the State Committee. Proxy votes shall meet the following requirements which exceed the requirements listed in Arizona Revised Statute 16-828 and which replace the requirements listed in Arizona Revised Statute 10-3724: 1) Only a registered Libertarian residing within the county of a state committeeman may act as a proxy voter for that state committeeman. 2) A proxy is only valid for a specific meeting of the State Committee, and that proxy is not valid for any future meetings of the State Committee. 3) Every proxy shall be attested by a notary public or two witnesses. Proxy voting is also not allowed at meetings of the Board of Directors and at meetings of the Executive Committee.
  15. Voting for None of the Above “NOTA”: “None of the Above” also known as “NOTA” shall always be a voting option in elections for the non-statutory officers who serve on the Board of Directors and in elections for the elected members of the Executive Committee. No candidate, including “NOTA”, may receive more than one vote for an office on a single ballot, regardless of the number of positions being filled for that office. No candidate shall be elected to office who receives the same or fewer votes than “NOTA”. Such offices are considered held by “NOTA”, are considered vacant, and can only be filled by a new election.
  16. Executive Committee: Identity, Purposes and Election:
      1. Identity: As mandated by Arizona Revised Statute 16-827, the Executive Committee of the State Committee shall consist of the statutory and non-statutory officers of the Party and State Committee, and, when they exist, members of the National Committee of the national Libertarian Party who reside in Arizona or who represent Arizona as regional representatives to the National Committee, the county chairman and first and second county vice-chairmen from each recognized county affiliate of the Party as those county affiliates are defined in the Constitution of the Party, and three State Committee members at large from each congressional district. The State Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall be ex-officio chairman of the Executive Committee.
      2. Purposes: The main purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to fulfill the requirements of Arizona Revised Statute 16-343 which shall be: In the case of vacancy occurring due to death, mental incapacity or voluntary withdrawal of a candidate for United States senator or other statewide candidate after the close of petition filing but prior to a primary or general election, the Executive Committee shall nominate a candidate to fill the vacancy and shall file a nomination paper and affidavit complying with the requirements for candidates as stated in Arizona Revised Statute 16-311 in order to fill the vacancy.
      3. Election: The elected members of the Executive Committee shall be the three State Committee members at large from each congressional district. At the biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee, members of the State Committee from each congressional district shall assemble as a group and elect their three members at large from their congressional district. If there are three members of the State Committee or less from a given congressional district, then those three members or less are automatically elected to the Executive Committee. All elected members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a two-year term, shall take office immediately upon election, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or qualified.
    If after the biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee, vacancies occur among the elected members of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors may fill those vacancies with state committeemen from the same congressional district, and those state committeemen shall hold office on the Executive Committee until the next biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee and until their successors are elected or qualified.
  17. Delegates to the National Convention of the National Libertarian Party: The Delegates from Arizona to the Libertarian National Convention shall be chosen at our Annual State Committee Meeting (Meeting) held in even numbered years.All Candidates for Delegate seats shall make written and dated requests to the AZLP Secretary. The Secretary will print Ballots with Delegate Candidate names and ages including enough blank lines to fill the number of unfilled Delegate seats. The blank lines are for Delegate requests made after the printing of the Ballot. All requests should be made at least seven (7) days prior to the Meeting but no earlier than ninety (90) days prior, to assure their name is printed on the Ballot. Delegate requests made after printing of the Ballot shall be clearly publicized at the Meeting. Additionally, no Delegate requests shall be made during business at the Meeting.The County Chairs of AZLP recognized County Parties and Statutory Arizona Libertarian Party Officers shall be appointed as ex-officio Delegates. Only one ex-officio delegate seat will be appointed per individual. The ex-officio Delegates may appoint a proxy Delegate to take their place in their absence provided that the proxy meets all other qualifications to be a Delegate. The remaining Delegates allotted to the Arizona Delegation shall be elected by approval voting by the body of Class A Arizona Libertarian Party Members at the Meeting should there be more Delegate Candidates than allotted seats. Each Class A Libertarian Party Member shall cast votes for no more than the number of remaining available Delegate seats allotted to the AZLP. The Candidates receiving the highest number of votes will fill the first available seats. The remaining Candidates will fill any remaining seats or be placed on the Alternate list should all seats be filled, in the order of the number of votes cast for each. Any remaining requests received after the voting will be placed on the Delegate list subsequent to the Delegates and Alternates that were chosen during the meeting, in the order they are received. Qualified Delegates must be an Arizona resident that is a National Libertarian Party member or a class A Member of the AZLP. No members of organized parties other than the Libertarian Party shall be eligible. Prospective Delegates under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian also elected or appointed at the Meeting as a Delegate to qualify. Delegates must pledge, either by written, verbal or electronic attestation, that they do not support the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals. Should any requirement not be met the Delegate seat shall move to the next qualified Candidate.
  18. Presidential and Vice-Presidential Nominees of the Party and State Committee:
    1. The Nominees: Upon the nomination by the national convention of the National Libertarian Party of the National Libertarian Party’s candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, those candidates shall immediately become, for the next Arizona general election ballot, the Libertarian candidates, within the State of Arizona, of the Party and State Committee for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States. Furthermore, those candidates shall remain the candidates of the Party and State Committee for the offices of President and Vice-President until the official results of the next Arizona general election ballot are known and until the next President and Vice-President of the United States are actually elected.
    2. Letter to the Arizona Secretary of State: After the adjournment of a national convention of the national Libertarian Party but before the Arizona general election ballots are printed, the State Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall send a letter, signed by the State Chairman, to the Arizona Secretary of State directing the Secretary of State to place on the ballot next to the Libertarian candidates for the office of Presidential elector the surname of the nominee, for the office of President of the United States, of the national Libertarian Party. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 16- 507, this surname shall be the name of the Libertarian Presidential candidate represented on the next Arizona general election ballot.
  19. Quorums: A quorum to do business for the Board of Directors shall consist of a simple majority of the number of such directors currently serving. A normal quorum for any matter upon which all members of the State Committee may vote is defined as a majority or more of all currently serving Libertarian state committeemen residing within the State of Arizona. However, a normal quorum shall not apply when the State Committee votes on amending the Constitution of the Party. In this case, the Constitution of the Party shall specify the quorum required to amend the Constitution.Further quorum requirements shall apply to the State Committee in the following manner:
    1. a quorum for the express purpose of electing the statutory and non-statutory officers of the Party and State Committee, at a properly called annual or special meeting shall be the state committeemen attending such a meeting, and no election of the statutory and non-statutory officers may occur by means of written consent as defined by Arizona Revised Statute 10-3704 or by means of written ballot as defined by Arizona Revised Statute 10-3708, and;
    2. a normal quorum shall apply for all other items of business by and on which the State Committee may vote, such as votes by written consent (defined by A.R.S. 10-3704) or by written ballot (defined by A.R.S. 10-3708), votes on the adoption of any written resolutions or standing rules, votes on the adoption of a State Party Platform, votes on the election of the members at large of the Executive Committee, votes on a plan for delegate selection to a national convention of the national Libertarian Party, and votes on the removal of a member of the Board of Directors from office.
    When the Constitution or Bylaws of the Party and State Committee allow proxy voting, proxy votes may be counted towards a quorum. Otherwise, when the Constitution or Bylaws prohibit proxy voting, proxy votes may not be counted towards a quorum. Finally, the only permitted quorum for the Executive Committee shall be those members who attend a meeting of the Executive Committee that is properly called under the provisions of Arizona Revised Statute 16-343.
  20. Meetings:
    1. Board of Directors Meetings: The State Chairman or acting State Chairman may convene a meeting of the Board of Directors at any time the State Chairman or acting State Chairman so desires. A majority of the members serving on the Board of Directors may also convene a meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will be required to meet, at a minimum, once per quarter.
    2. State Committee Meetings:
      1. Special Meetings: The State Chairman or acting State Chairman may convene a special meeting of the State Committee at a date, time, and place within Arizona at his or her discretion or may convene a special meeting of the State Committee at the next Libertarian National Convention upon 10 days’ notice to all state committeemen. The State Chairman or acting State Chairman must cause a special meeting of the State Committee to be convened, within 30 days, at a date, time, and place within Arizona at his or her discretion or must cause a special meeting of the State Committee to be convened at the next Libertarian National Convention upon the request of a majority of the members serving on the Board of Directors or upon the written request of 10 percent or more of all serving Libertarian state com residing within the State of Arizona. Notice of special meetings shall meet the requirements of Arizona Revised Statute 10-3705, but a member of the State Committee may waive his right to any notice under Arizona Revised Statute 10-3706.
      2. Annual Meetings: The State Committee of the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc. shall hold an annual meeting each January. As specified in Arizona Revised Statute 16-826, in each January following a general election, an annual meeting of the State Committee shall be held no earlier than ten days after the second Saturday in January and in any event no later than the fourth Saturday in January. An annual meeting held in each January following a general election shall be the biennial statutory organizing meeting of the State Committee, and this meeting shall be held in the county where the state capitol is located. An annual meeting of the State Committee held in each January not following a general election shall be held in the city of Tucson, Arizona. Upon passage of a motion to fix the time to which to adjourn, an annual meeting may be adjourned to a future date, time, and place within Arizona or may be adjourned to the next Libertarian National Convention. The adjourned meeting shall be considered a continuation of the annual meeting. Notice of annual meetings shall meet the requirements of Arizona Revised Statute 10-3705, but a member of the State Committee may waive his right to any notice under Arizona Revised Statute 10-3 706. Meetings may be conducted in person, or virtually.
  21. Special, Select, or Standing Committees: The State Chairman or acting State Chairman of the Party and State Committee shall have the authority to create, to abolish, and to make appointments to special, select, or standing committees consisting of Libertarian state committeemen. Such special, select, or standing committees shall serve at the discretion of the State Chairman or acting State Chairman.
    1. Policies Governing Standing Committees:It shall be the business of the Board of Directors, and/or Executive Committee, as appropriate, to develop written policies to direct the work of standing committees and to assist standing committee members in implementing the same.”
  22. Motions, Resolutions, and the State Party Platform: The State Committee, on behalf of the entire Party, shall have the power to adopt or amend any motion or any resolution and shall have the power to adopt or amend a State Platform for the Party. Furthermore, at any annual or special meeting of the State Committee, the Board of Directors, the officers, or any state committeeman may propose any motion or any resolution, may propose a State Platform for the Party, and may propose any amendments to these items.
  23. Amendments to the Bylaws: From time to time, the Board of Directors may adopt limited technical amendments to these Bylaws to correct minor ambiguities or minor errors that may occur in these Bylaws or to revise or renumber, when necessary, any references in these Bylaws to the Arizona Revised Statutes. Otherwise, the Board of Directors or any state committeeman may propose amendments to these Bylaws that shall be voted on at any annual or special meeting of the State Committee. Arizona Revised Statute 10-11003 shall govern the procedure for calling a meeting of state committeemen to vote on a proposed amendment to these Bylaws, and under Arizona Revised Statute 10-3705, the State Chairman or acting State Chairman of the State Secretary shall provide notice of this meeting to all state committeemen. Under Arizona Revised Statute 10- 3706, a state committeeman may waive his rights to notice of this meeting.State committeemen may also vote on a proposed amendment to these Bylaws by written consent as defined by Arizona Revised Statute 10-3 704 or by written ballot as defined by Arizona Revised Statute 10-3708, in which case Article V of the Constitution of the Party shall govern voting procedure. Under Article V of the Constitution, the State Chairman or acting State Chairman or the State Secretary shall provide a written ballot (defined by A.R.S. 10-3708) to every state committeemen of the Party.With the sole exception of the limited technical amendments described above, that the Board of Directors may adopt, amendments to these Bylaws must be ratified by at least a two-thirds vote of the state committeemen voting. When state committeemen vote on a proposed amendment to these Bylaws by written consent (defined by A.R.S. 10-3704) or by written ballot (defined by A.R.S. 10-3708) or at an annual or special meeting of the State Committee, a normal quorum shall apply. Upon adoption by the Board of Directors or ratification by the State Committee of a proposed amendment, that amendment to these Bylaws shall take effect immediately unless the amendment itself specifies another time for it to take effect.
  24. Rules of Order: The Party and the State Committee adopt the most recent published edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised as the governing parliamentary authority for the Party, the State Committee, the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, the statutory and non-statutory officers, and any other associates of the Party. Furthermore, the rules contained in the parliamentary authority shall govern the Party in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws and any special rules of order that the State Committee may adopt.
  25. Removal of Members of the Board of Directors: The State Committee shall have the sole power to remove any member of the Board of Directors from office for misfeasance, malfeasance, or non-feasance of duty. Removing any member of the Board of Directors shall require at least a two-thirds vote of the state committeemen voting at an annual or special State Committee meeting. However, before a vote is taken to remove a member of the Board of Directors from office, the disciplinary procedures chapters of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be followed in order to examine whether a member of the Board of Directors of the Party and State Committee has been derelict in his duty.
  26. Constitution, Bylaws, and Minutes Distribution: A copy of the Constitution of the Party, a copy of these Bylaws, or a copy of any minutes shall be provided to any state committeeman of the Arizona Libertarian Party, Inc. who requests a copy.
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